Author: Gloria Kobrin

Simply Orange Sauce
Dressings & Sauces

Simply Orange Sauce

Defrost a can of frozen orange juice, add water, sugar and herbs and voila- you have a basic orange sauce that gets caramelized when baked in the oven over whatever protein you choose. Use this sauce as is, or dress it up by adding a splash of orange liqueur and/or […]

Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie
American, Dessert, Parve

Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie

Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie can be made with fresh or frozen rhubarb and but the strawberries should be fresh. They are a terrific combination. The addition of orange zest really boosts the flavors of both fruits. Choose between my All-Purpose Pie Dough or Sugar Crust for a double crust. Personally, I enjoy […]

Israeli Salad
Featured, Israeli, Salad

Israeli Salad

This colorful, light salad that is seen in Israel on every breakfast, lunch and dinner buffet, has become so well known the world over; that is is simply called Israeli Salad. This salad goes with everything. From adding it to Falafel  to spreading it over Schnitzel, Israeli Salad adds color […]

American, Dessert, Parve, Uncategorized


The combination of oranges, strawberries and fresh coconut is called Ambrosia. This word refers to the “nectar of the Gods” in Greek mythology. It is aptly named, although Ambrosia has its origins in the South! The natural juices from the fruits combined with the mellow flavor of fresh coconut is […]