Tag: dairy

Kadayif with Mozzarella and Lemon
Dairy, Dessert

Kadayif with Mozzarella and Lemon

Kadayif with Mozzarella and Lemon is prepared with phyllo dough that’s been rolled up and sliced very thinly. The dough resembles rolls of shredded wheat. When you open the package, the Kadayif tumbles out in a lump. You will be surprised how it grows before your eyes as you pull […]


Tisha B’Av-The Nine Days!

Just a little background for those who might wonder about the sundry posts for The Nine Days and meatless meals preceding Tisha B’Av. “Tisha B’Av (Hebrew: תשעה באב or ט׳ באב, “the Ninth of Av,”) is an annual fast day in Judaism, named for the ninth day (Tisha) of the […]

Watermelon and Feta Salad
American, Salad

Watermelon and Feta Salad

Watermelon and Feta Salad combines the flavors of  sweet, juicy watermelon with that of  salty, dry Feta. It is a match made in foodie heaven. Add blueberries and toasted pine nuts and you’ve got a beautiful light Summer salad. Isn’t it nice when there is absolutely no actual cooking involved? […]

Cream Cheesecake
American, Dairy, Dessert

Cream Cheesecake

This Cream Cheesecake is all cream cheese and cream. The addition of sour cream or the popular Italian cheesecake based on ricotta just doesn’t do it for me. Truth be told, my son has eaten a whole Cream Cheese cake cake by himself- It’s that good! Add to that, you […]

Chocolate Cheesecake
American, Dairy, Dessert

Chocolate Cheesecake

This Chocolate Cheesecake is a chocoholic’s dream! It’s so rich and dense that you can truly serve a crowd from one cake. That extra whipped cream and chocolate shavings in the middle take it over the top. For those of you who prefer a basic but fabulous cheesecake, clink on […]